Friday, September 21, 2012

CRYSTAL... (khar skong)


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CRYSTAL...('khar skong: crystal) (chu shel:crystal) (ja shel: rainbow crystal) (dwangs shel: crystal clear) (phawong longbu: cube shaped crystal) (shel dkar rdzong:The White Crystal Castle) (sing nge ba: crystal clear, luminosity)...

"The manifestation of phenomenon is like the sunlight being refracted through a clear crystal which then appears as rainbows on the walls of the room." (Reynolds: 149)...

"A crystal is naked and translucent; in the same way, primordial awareness is bare of any conceptual thoughts, and internal and external experiences are transparent to the observing primordial awareness." (Wangyal: 129)....

"Shenlha Wokar...the colour of his body is like the essence of crystal. His ornaments, attire, and palace are adorned by crystal light." (Kvaerne: 1996)...

."Padmasambhava used a small crystal drum." (Kohn: 390)...

"In the Mithraic tradition of ancient Persia, the sky was formed of a transparent crystalline substance." (Campbell: 94)...

"You might want to know why it is that lowering your gaze pacifies thoughts. The reason is most clearly explained in Dzogchen commentaries, where it is explained that there is a physical connection between the channels or nerves of the eyes and the channel of the heart. The channel that goes from the heart to the eyes is called the "crystal kati channel". Because of the physical connection between the eyes and the heart, there is a particularly intimate connection - if one considers all the various sense organs - between the eyes and conceptual thought. Therefore, your eyes in a sense are the gates for conceptual thought, as well as for visual perception. This is also why, in the practice of Dzogchen itself, when working with the visions of the forty-two peaceful and fifty-eight wrathful deities, these visions can arise in the first place."

The channel that goes from the heart to the eyes is called the "crystal kati channel".........this seems to be the key to the whole thing.........."Discovering drala is indeed to establish ties to your world, so that each perception becomes unique. It is to see with the heart, so that what is invisible to the eye becomes visible as the living magic of reality." (Trungpa: 105)......"Inner luminosity originates in the heart and passes through two channels that connect the empty space of the heart with the external empty space of the sky through the eyes." ( 119)..."The clear light has abided in the heart of the individual from the very beginning. The heart (tsit ta) may be compared to a magic lantern, an early type of cinema projector." ( 151)....srog: life force, heart, soul...yang zhun snying thig: refined heart essence...zhe: heart, mind...tsit ta: heart, mind...thugs ka: heart center...kun spyod mtshungs mo: sweetheart...."The white pure light of the space element gives rise to the mind and the heart channels. The life process begins from the heart." (Wangyal: 145)..."Basic Goodness is very closely connected to the idea of bodhicitta (awakened heart) in the Buddhist tradition. Awakened heart comes from being willing to face your state of connect with your heart, fully and totally." (Trungpa: 44)..."In the center of the precious palace of the spiritual heart there are five mystic juices. In their center is the 'Bon essence' a mass of light." (Hoffman: 111)....

."In Shinto, the expressions: 'akaki kokoro: heart shining brightly like the sun'...'kiyoki kokoro: pure heart clear as a white jewell'...'"naoki kokoro: heart lovely and without wrong inclinations'...(Jinja: 31)....

."Gurdjieff also found from the Sufi mastes that knowledge of the wheel of time could be understood through many modalities of perception

G.I. Gurdjieff described the nature of conscious being as crystalline in form, and as such spoke of the process of self-development as a series of crystallizations, which are, in this respect, identical to Deleuze's conceptualization of the formation of plateaus of thought (within the individual) through assemblage. These assemblages are in some respects conscious, and in some respects are due to accident.

Although there was no daylight for these nine, they rejoiced in the luminous realm of inner light. Although there was no night, they slept in profound, brilliant, gentle peace. Whatever deeds they performed were free from thought. Whatever actions they performed were free from confusion. Their dwelling was in the crystal mirror of the white primordial ground. There were no conventions of time: the past had not occurred; the future was not envisioned; the present was not known. It was known as the pinnacle of sacredness of the supreme time, the great wheel of time. All remained content and there was no clinging to self or other. They dwelled in the ultimate peace, great bliss, and suchness....(Golden Drop Text... 1972)


September 2012

John Hopkins....Northern New Mexico


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