Friday, September 21, 2012

BASIC GOODNESS ... (kunshi ngangluk kyi gewa)


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BASIC GOODNESS...(kunshi ngangluk kyi gewa)..."Every human being has a basic nature of goodness, which is undiluted and unconfused. That goodness contains tremendous gentleness and appreciation...we have an actual connection to reality that can wake us up." (Trungpa:1984..Pg 31)

...In Bon Dzogchen it is stated that all of reality is pervaded by a transcendent principle called "All Good". It has a male aspect called Kuntu Sangpo and a female aspect, Kungtu Sangmo, and is a "universal reality of dynamic potentiality".(Powers: 1990 p.440)

...Pictorial descriptions and information on the Tibetan deity Kuntu Sangpo ("All Good") as appears in the recent book by Per Kvaerne, "The Bon Religion of Tibet" (Shambhala Publications, 1996)

...gdod nas bzang ba: basic goodness....
gdod nas dag-pa - primordially pure
gdod nas: primordial, original, basic, from the very beginning
...thog ma'i: primal, original, basic, first
gdod-ma'i gzhi - the Primordial Base

......."Training yourself to be a warrior is learning to rest in basic goodness, rest in a complete state of simplicity." (Trungpa: 70)

...."In Shinto, the essence of all beings is regarded as being good, and evil is thought as being un-essential and temporary. It is thought that by harae (purification ceremonies), all things can and must be changed to good."
..( 28)

...."The Mithraic restoration of original goodness through 'den' (the Old Iranian word for wisdom). ..(Campbell: 120)

..."If the cosmic man joins in himself the highest power of the essence (xvarr) of sovereignty (sahr)[GE SAHR?] with the highest power of the essence of the Good..." (Campbell: 107)...

Kun tu bzang-po - Samantabhadra (name of the Primordial Buddha)
Kuntu bzang-mo Samantabhadri (name of the Primordial Wisdom)
kun-khyab all-pervading
kun-mkhyen - omniscient, all-knowing
kun tu snang-ba'i ting-nge-' dzin - the samadhi or state of contemplation which illuminates everything
kun brtag ma rig-pa - the ignorance which conceptualizes everything
Kun-byed rgyal-po - the king who creates everything
kun-rdzob - relative
kun-rdzob bden-pa - Relative Truth
kun-gzhi - the basis of everything, alaya
kun-gzhi rnam-shes - the store consciousness, alaya-vijñana
kun-bzang dgongs-pa - the Primordial State of Samantabhadra

Plato describes "The Form of the Good" (τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ ἰδέαν) in his dialogue, the Republic, speaking through the character of Socrates. The Sun is described in a simile as the child or offspring (ἔκγονος ekgonos) of the Form of the Good (508c-509a), in that, like the sun which makes physical objects visible and generates life on earth, the Good makes all other universals intelligible, and in some sense provides being to all other Forms, though the Good itself exceeds being. It is an absolute measure of justice. Plato also explains his theory of justice in the Republic, in relation to his conception of a city in speech, both of which necessitate rule of the rational mind; in other words, philosopher-kings, who can grasp the Form of the Good.
Plato writes that the Form (or Idea) of the Good is the ultimate object of knowledge, although it is not knowledge itself, and from the Good, things that are just gain their usefulness and value. Humans are compelled to pursue the good, but no one can hope to do this successfully without philosophical reasoning. According to Plato, true knowledge is conversant, not about those material objects and imperfect intelligences which we meet within our daily interactions with all mankind, but rather it investigates the nature of those purer and more perfect patterns which are the models after which all created beings are formed.
Plato supposes these perfect types to exist from all eternity and calls them the Forms or Ideas. As these Forms cannot be perceived by human senses, whatever knowledge we attain of the Forms must be seen through the mind's eye (cf. Parmenides 132a), while ideas derived from the concrete world of flux are ultimately unsatisfactory and uncertain (see the Theaetetus). He maintains that degree of skepticism which denies all permanent authority to the evidence of sense.
In essence, Plato suggests that justice, truth, equality, beauty, and many others ultimately derive from the Form of the Good. Aristotle was critical of the Forms of Good, and discussed it several times in both of his major surviving ethical works, the Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics.

Basic goodness, sometimes called Buddha Nature or Natural Wakefulness, is something all beings possess. A basic state of being that does not need to be changed at all. Basic goodness is the mind’s natural capacity for awakeness, an inherent OK-ness, beauty, compassion, and wisdom.


September 2012

John Hopkins....Northern New Mexico


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